I love desserts. It's one of the (few) things Brian didn't really fully understand about me until later in the relationship. Brian is not a dessert person. Every now and then he'll have a bite of whatever I'm having or suggest we go to Ben & Jerry's (he's obsessed with Coffee Heath Bar Crunch), but for the most part he'd rather have more dinner than "save room" for dessert.
Now, I am of the opposite mindset. More often then not I will stop eating dinner so that I can make sure I have enough room for dessert. This perplexed Brian for a long time, and I even remember the first time we were going to me his parents, he warned me that his dad would not be pleased with my not-finishing-dinner-to-save-room-for-dessert habit (his dad is a strict "clean plate club" kind of guy). I, of course, got dessert when we went out with his parents (and I truly think this is one of his mom's favorite things about me).
Over the years, Brian and I have come to accept our opposite opinions about dessert. I even had a revelation about it - I used to question Brian because he didn't like dessert (he particularly detests chocolate (?!) unless is mixed with lots and lots of peanut butter), but then I realized that if he doesn't like it, he won't eat any of mine.
This brings me to the wedding cake. I was really excited about having a whole cake that was made for me with flavors I handpicked and decorations I loved. Brian didn't even want a groom's cake, so all the delectable desserts at the wedding would be mine choose! Then I tried some wedding cake from the "best" cake place in my area and, while it was good, it wasn't the sinful yumminess I had been dreaming about. And to top it off it was ridiculously expensive. It just didn't feel like what I was supposed to have as "the" dessert at my wedding.
Then I remembered this amazing bakery in Charlotte that I constantly try to find reasons to go to - Polka Dot Bakeshop. Cupcakes! How cute! But, I love the tradition of cutting the cake at the reception...could you still do it if you didn't have a cake? Yes! If you get your cupcakes from Polka Dot, they'll make you a 6" cake to cut. It doesn't get more perfect than that.
Don't even get me started on the tasting...

(photo courtesy of Polka Dot Bakeshop)
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